Some things are just too funny. Seems as if even the dogs have discriminating tastes.
From Cranky Beach!
Update: all the links should work now.... just a matter of clicking the wrong button...
link rel="DCTERMS.isreplacedby" href="" />
Life, the Universe, and Donuts... Or, more appropriately: Life, Science, and Rants run amok....
Some things are just too funny. Seems as if even the dogs have discriminating tastes.
I made a decision a couple of weeks ago, and I think that's why my head hasn't exploded yet.
I have been suffering from Halloween withdrawal. We lived in the country for 3 years and just moved back to town this summer. We suspect that there will be kids at our door for the first time in years (Yay!) We did a Jack O'Lantern and got lots of decorations for the porch, so we'll see.
Chapel Hill has three major religions, and the largest denomination is basketball by far (then Baptist and Methodist). Tar Heel basketball is a thing to be bowed down to. Hell, the arena (The Dean Dome, or correctly, the Dean E. Smith Center) even looks like a church. When Matt Doherty was here, it was styled "The Chapel" and rabid student fans referred to themselves as disciples of the coach. Roy Williams is a god. Not really surprising from the home of Michael Jordan, Vince Carter, et al.
From Ben and Dean's World (individually) : Battle of the Hair Bands, or more appropriately, The Breck Girl and what a Cowboy thinks about hair products (wait for it).
Last night my darling husband took me to see Team America: World Police. It was funnier than I expected, even after the excellent reviews here and here. Chapel Hill being the sort of town it is, people walked out before the end of the first scene (although I suspect they were just in the wrong theater). When people started arriving, I was worried that someone was going to get all huffy and make snide comments, given what the moonbats are saying all over the 'net.
But also the most important ride you'll ever take.
Hell has finally frozen over and the Devil is wrapped up tight in his new flannels. So many planets have aligned, and after much urging (you know who you are), here I be. After all that has happened this week, how could I not follow the signs that have been given to me?